Allo police
Belgium, 1987, 16 mm, Format diffusion : 1.33 (SD), 76 & 56 minutes
A police station in a Belgian industrial city, Charleroi. During several months, the director has followed up the preventive work of a couple of policemen. « Hello police? » « Could you come over? »: rows, disputes, complaints, adultery accounts, fights, robberies... Policemen act through prevention, trying to « settle things » between people, some kind of welfare work...
Against the background of this « comedy of manners », violence, suffering, death, robbey, rape, adultery, fright, anguish, confusion – stant out, facing goodwilled « cops » bewildered for knowing which part to play: psychotherapist, welfare worker, justice of the Peace...
- Screenplay: Manu Bonmariage
- Photography: Manu Bonmariage. Assitant : Marguerite Bavaud
- Sound: Patrick Van Loo
- Image editing: Monique Lebrun
- Languages: FR
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital
- Production: CBA, RTBF Charleroi
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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