David Leloup
After studies in cognitive psychology and a brief stint in the world of scientific research, David Leloup began his career in the audiovisual RTBF television in the popular science magazine "Grey Matter". For nearly three years, he produced a series of 20-minute files on Climate Change, biochemistry, new technologies for vision, clothes "smart", etc.
2015 : A Leak in Paradise (co-direction Jean-Philippe Rouxel), doc, 76’
2011 : Vaccin anti-H1N1 : Les dessous d’un contrat contreversé, doc,
2005 : Petits arrangements avec le climat (co-direction avec Edith Van Hove), doc, 18’
2003 : Plein la vue (co-direction avec Fernando Cabrita-Moreira), doc,
2002 : Le futur, de fil en aiguille (co-direction avec José Rojo), doc