Marie-Eve de Grave
Born in Belgium in 1965. After studies of architecture and scenography, Marie-Eve de Grave graduates from INSAS (Brussel film school) in cinematography. Installated in France since a few years, she works as screenwriter and directed a few short films. She is actually developing two long feature films. Belle de Nuit is her first documentary.
2015 : Belle de Nuit-Grisélidis Réal, Autoportraits (Belle de Nuit-Grisélidis Réal, Self Portraits), doc, 72'
2013 : Grand Tour, fic, 17'
2010 : Opale Plage, fic, 18’
2009 : Roman Signer, artist portrait, 18’
2000 : Waiting for Frank, fic, 3’
1999 : La promenade de Peter Aerts (Peter Aert’s Walk), fic, 12’
1993 : Les Acharnés (The Searchers), fic, 16’