Aidependence. The many ills of the NGO system
Belgium, 2014, Format diffusion : 1.33 (SD), 92
Aidependence breaks stereotypes about aid, non-governmental organizations “NGOs” and a life in poverty. Using the example of Haiti, the country with the most NGOs per capital, the documentary shows that good intentions aren’t always good enough.
- Screenplay: Alice SMEETS & Frédéric Biegmann
- Photography: Frederic Biegmann
- Sound: Frederic Biegmann
- Image editing: David Mollers
- Mixing: Peter Baumgarten
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Digital, DVD, Blu-Ray
- Production: WIP
- Coproduction: Neophileas
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Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille
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