En attente …
Waiting ...
Belgium, 2011, 45 minutes
The film follows the daily lives of the undocumented Afghan immigrant community in Calais. Reduced to invisibility and hunted by the police, they become shadows, hiding around railroad tracks and abandoned lots. These young people attempt to give structure to their lives, under often inhumane conditions.Over the course of a single day, we try to capture their wanderings, filled with fear, anxiety and much hope. The aim is also to give a face to these young men who are ready to take any risk to slip into a truck and reach England.
- Screenplay: Naël Khleifi
- Photography: Diego Romero, Nael Khleifi
- Sound: Fabrice Osinsky, Thomas Grimm-Landsberg
- Image editing: Benoit Baudson
- Sound editing: Thomas Grimm-Landsberg
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital
- Production: Sourat Films
- Coproduction: CBA, Sindibad Films (UK)
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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