

Caroline d’Hondt, Belgium, 2010, 54 minutes

Alfredo Vilchis, one of the latest Mexican ex-voto painter: There are ex-votos of faith. The ones when people come with tears in their eyes, of joy or pain. And they ask you to express something they tell you.
The artistic ex-voto is when people don’t ask you, but when you walk in the streets and you see an accident, or when you see or read a newspaper. You see that and you say : it touches me, and this miracle inspires me to express it and make an ex-voto of feeling, inspiration. That has the same purpose.

  • Directed by: Caroline d’Hondt
  • Screenplay: Caroline d’Hondt
  • Photography: Rémon Fromont
  • Sound: Paul Heymans
  • Image editing: Virginie Messiaen
  • Sound editing: Olivier Mortier
  • Mixing: Paul Heymens
  • Languages: FR
  • Subtitles: FR, EN
  • Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital
  • Production: Cobra Films
  • Coproduction: CBA, MCF(dév & prod), Triangle 7, Boa Films (Fr)
  • Coproduction workshop: CBA
  • Festival promotion:

    CBA - promo@cbadoc.be

  • Sales (interlational distribution):

    Thierry Detaille - ventes.cbawip.sales@gmail.com

  • CBA
  • Festival selections:

    -20th anniversary Arizona International Film Festival (USA) 04/11
    -Festival Millenium (B) 06/11 - Mention Spéciale pour la catégorie du Meilleur Message des Droits de l’Homme offert par l'OHCHR
    -Festival internacional de cine documental – Atlantidoc (Uruguay)
    -Checkpoint Festival (Bruxelles) – 05/11
    -Festival des Films sur l'Art (Iselp-Bruxelles)

  • TV broadcasting:

    Salle Mercelis Bruxelles - projection Scam

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