Femmes d'Alger
Women of Algiers
Belgium, 1992, 16 mm, Format diffusion : 1.33 (SD), 55 minutes
L'Algérie is written in the feminine.
Thus, in a society with a masculine viewpoint, another gaze is present... The feminine gaze, disturbing, upsetting all sense of propriety, shattering taboos, liberating the language... It comes out of the shadows. With the Algerian writer and historian Assia Djebar, we go in search of Algerian women of all generations and penetrate their lives, their daily existences in this world where to look is forbidden. These women tell their story, imposing their gaze upon the camera for a trip in one half of Algeria subjugated to silence... and a clandestine life.
- Screenplay: Kamal Dehane
- Photography: Semch-Eddine Touzene
- Sound: Ricardo Castro
- Image editing: Marie-Hélène Dozo
- Subtitles: FR
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital
- Production: CBA, Entreprise Nationale de Production Audiovisuelle (ENPA), RTBF (Unité documentaire – Traces), ZEAUX Productions
- Coproduction: Avec l'aide du Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique (Fonds Télévisuel), de la Loterie Nationale et de Alr Algérie
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