Full of missing links
Belgium, 2011, 68 minutes
Yoon Sung-A goes to South Korea to search for her father, who she has not seen since she was eight years old. Through the search to understand the breakup of her parents which tore her from homeland to France, the director deciphers the inner workings of a society through the prism of its own history. Her quest is first a personal one, yet also reflects the concerns of an entire country, deeply marked by separation.
- Screenplay: Sung-A Yoon
- Photography: Sébastien Andres & Sung-A Yoon
- Sound: Sébastien Andres & Sung-A Yoon
- Image editing: Maria del Pilar Gavilanes, Alexandra Melot, Yoon Sung-A
- Sound editing: David Vranken
- Mixing: Aline Gavrois
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital, DVD
- Production: Michigan Films
- Coproduction: CBA, FWB
Festival promotion:
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Sales (interlational distribution):
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Festival selections:
Courtisane Film Festival, Ghent 2012
Looking Outward, Looking Inward, New audiovisual essays from
Belgium, Kask Cinéma, Ghent 2012
Open Screen, Cinéma Nova, Brussels, 2013
Saison Video, Centre d'arts plastiques et visuels, Lille 2014
Image gallery