Guy-Marc Hinant
Guy-Marc Hinant (Charleroi, 1960) is a Belgian poet, writer, publisher, music producer and cinematographer. In the late 1980s Hinant, together with Frédéric Walheer, founded the Belgian record label Sub Rosa, which specializes in avant-garde, electronic and noise music. The name of the record label was deduced from the first sentence of Gilles Deleuze's book Mille plateaux. He lives and works in Brussels.
From 2002 to 2004 Hinant worked on the musicological project Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music. Hinant wrote poetry and prose to the works of his lover, the Belgian visual artist Dominique Goblet.
1996 - The garden is full of metal
1999 - Éléments d'un Merzbau oublié
2003 - Le plaisir du regret. Un portrait d'Henri Pousseur
2007 - Luc Ferrari face à sa tautologie. Deux jours avant la fin
2007 - I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (A Portrait of David Toop Through His Record Collection)
2008 - Fuck you. Karkowski et la noise en Chine
2011 - Ecce Homo. Un portrait de Célestin Deliège
2014 - Ghost of silence (short documentary)
2014 - Whisky Time! Un portrait de Charlemagne Palestine (short documentary)
2015 - Birobidjan