Hors-limites, le cinéma de Jaco Van Dormael
Off-limits, the cinema of Jaco Van Dormael
Belgium, 2010, Beta-Digital, 56 minutes
Jaco Van Dormael has often been described as a prodigal son of the cinema. Since his first works, he has shown some kind inventiveness and mastery of this form of expression that are truly astonishing.
His latest film, Mr Nobody, aroused admiration or rejection, and most certainly controversy... It didn't go unnoticed.
With this latest movie, Jaco set the bar very high and aimed at goals that would seem unrealistic to anyone reasonable. He was conscious of the risk . Off Limits attempts to show that Mr Nobody was the outcome of a project that started with E pericoloso sporgersi, Jaco's first short film. Despite his deep understanding of rules and techniques, he undertakes to go beyond them in each film, or at least partly. That's why they are all unique and unmatched movies. And among those, Mr Nobody is by far the most off limits one.
But enhancing the great uniqueness of Jaco Van Dormael's films can only be done entering the privacy of their creation process. For if all these movies sometimes are brilliant, it is mainly due to Jaco's method that is itself unique.
By portraying the director Jaco Van Dormael, it is a singular man - for his work as well as for who he is - that Olivier Van Malderghem, his thirty-year long friend, makes us discover.
- Screenplay: Olivier van Malderghem. Avec la collaboration de Luc Jabon
- Photography: Pierre Gordower
- Sound: Dominique Warnier
- Image editing: Sandrine Degeen
- Sound editing: Roland Voglaire
- Mixing: Roland Voglaire
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital, DVD
- Production: La Cinémathèque de la Communauté française de Belgique (Francis Dujardin), Iota Production (Isabelle Truc)
- Coproduction: R.T.B.F. (Télévision belge) et Arte Belgique, avec le soutien de la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles et de la Loterie Nationale
Festival promotion:
La Cinémathèque de la Communauté française de Belgique (Francis Dujardin), Iota Production (Isabelle Truc)
TV broadcasting:
26 octobre 2010 22:10 - Arte Belgique
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