Marie-Paule Jeunehomme
Marie-Paule Jeunehomme is a RTBF journalist since 1987.
She works for the daily radio.
She is also the author of numerous radio documentaries, including "The prisons, beyond punishment" ( Les prisons, au-delà des peines ) which was awarded the Dexia Press in 2005.
Fascinated by Spain, Marie-Paule Jeunehomme realized :
- A documentary series about the Spanish Civil War, the International Brigades, the children of war and Belgian – 1996.
- A radio documentary on the work memory of Francoism "Paths of Memory" ( Les chemins de la Mémoire ) – 2006.
> A documentary on the Basque Country "Basque Labyrinth" ( Le labyrinthe basque ) - 2008.
2012 : Chronique basque, doc, 54’
2008 : Los Nietos, quand l'Espagne exhume son passé, doc, 59’