Milena Bochet
Milena Bochet, born in Madrid, Franco-Spanish national, grew up in Lisbon, has studied Literature in Lille and film studies at INSAS in Brussels. Alongside his personal achievements, she leads audiovisual workshops with diverse audiences in different places (schools, youth centers, hospitals, center for asylum seekers, IPPJ, Prison ...). It also participates in the creation of educational tools related to broadcasting. She coordinated cultural events such as International Meetings of Photography in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Law-Word-Image Forum with APRAD and Nomad Festival with APRAD. Regarding his cinematic achievements, its main axis of reflection rotates around the transmission in minority peoples, especially among the Roma in Central Europe.
2015 : De Lola à Laila, doc, 53’
2012 : Cheveux rouges et café noir, doc, 57'
2011 : Histoires sorties de notre lit, 54’
2008 : Kantarma et son saz : légendes et croyances, doc, 32'
2006 : Coiffure Liliane ou un cheveu dans la soupe (co-direction Stefan Bohnenberger), fic, 15'
2003 : Donkeyshot (co-direction Stefan Bohnenberger), fic, 45'
2001 : Vozar, doc, 26'
1993 : Geyza, doc, 22'
1992 : Rêve entre deux, doc, 14'
1991 : Paris-Brazza, doc, 27'