Rêve de Nikolay (le)
Nikolay's dreal
Belgium, 2017, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 47 minutes
Today, as a skipper for bulgarian tourists, Nikolay recalls the dream he accomplished in 1985 : going around the world by himself. In crossing the iron curtain, he has shown the way to freedom to an entire generation of young Bulgarians.
- Screenplay: Maria Karaguiozova
- Photography: Thomas Schira & Dimitar Nedelchev
- Sound: Guilhem Donzel & Lionel Halflants
- Image editing: Marie-Hélène Mora & Emilie Morier. Etalonnage : Miléna Trivier
- Sound editing: Clément Claude
- Mixing: François Aubinet. Musique : Nicolas Haas
- Subtitles: FR
- Available formats: DCP, Digital
- Production: Dérives
- Coproduction: Waterfront Film, CBA, FWB, Bulgarian Film Center
Festival promotion:
CBA : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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