Royaume de monsieur Edhi (le)
The kingdom of Mister Edhi
Belgium, 2011, 82
The Kingdom of Mister Edhi is a fly-on-the-wall portrait of the conditions of women in Pakistan as seen through the eyes and work of a fascinating married couple: Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife Bilquis Edhi, the owners and tireless leaders of the country’s largest network of social assistance that includes shelters for abused women, orphanages and adoption centers, hospitals, insane asylums and emergency ambulance services. This film crosses the threshold of this uniquely chaotic organization along with the disenfranchised Pakistanis seeking a social safety net where none officially exists, revealing an insider’s perspective on Muslim society.
- Screenplay: Amélie Saille
- Photography: Tone Andersen
- Image editing: Carlos Prieto
- Mixing: Henri Michiels
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, Digital
- Production: asbl 43 Films
- Coproduction: CBA, Lastor Media (Esp), Subv ICIC (Esp) , Media, TVC
Festival promotion:
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Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille
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