Sarah Moon Howe
Psychology graduate, Sarah Moon Howe worked for nearly 10 years with adults with disabilities and mental retardation. Alongside her job, she leads a filmmaking career. In 2003, she made based on its archives "Do not tell my mother," a documentary unveiled at the 60th Venice Mostra. The trip movie, takes part in many festivals around the world. The birth of her son, Jack, and the announcement of his difficulties will bring it again to record his daily life. From this experience is born "If depressurization" in 2009. "The kangaroo complex" is his third film. Alongside his film activities, Sarah explores with sound documentary "Living with Medusa" in 2011 and "Channel Strip" in 2013. With these documentaries, Sarah Moon Howe, lays the foundations for a significant work, the borders of the intimate , transcending his experience to capture images into sounds.
2014 : The Kangaroo Complex, doc, 60’
2012 : Canal Strip, radio doc, 43’
2011 : To Live With Meduse, radio doc, 3x50’
2009 : In Case Of Loss Of Pressure, doc, 46’
2003 : Don’t Tell My Mother, doc, 27'