Yaël André
Early childhood under the blue skies of Morocco. Slightly disturbed by the return to Belgium, despite the attraction of candy and chocolates. Studied Philosophy and scriptwriting in Brussels. She arrived in Berlin shortly before the wall fell and lived there for five years; among other things, she worked as a historical researcher on the history of East- German documentary cinema and also as a film programmer (in cooperation with the Babylon and Arsenal cinemas (Belgian film) Balàzs in Berlin, then in Brussels at the Goethe Institute, Cinéma Nova, the “Filmer à tout prix” festival and others).
Today she lives and works in Brussels. Before starting to make her own films, she did a little of everything involved in filmmaking (camerawoman, sound engineer, assistant, actress, costumer, assistant director, etc.). She now works alternately on “cinema” and lighter video installations. Her favourite style is a sort of feminine burlesque that doesn’t care about the partition “fiction” versus “documentary”. She dreams of finding a method for directing an unpredictable film, that is to say capable of “creating the same emotion as a stunning morning haze seen through gauzy mosquito netting” and one where “reality would be the shortest path from our concerns to a miracle”.
The distribution of her films follows a creative and zigzag path – they have been shown in modern art museums and in prisons, in classic film festivals and more experimental ones. With the same timid smile, they navigate through independent networks as well as more “institutional” settings.
2014 : Synaps, webdoc
2013 : Quand je serai dictateur (When I Will Be Dictator) , doc, 90'
2007 : Chats errants – zones temporaires d'inutilité, doc, 56'- 69'
2003 : Bureau des inventaires systématiques de la mémoire, résiduelle
(chap. 1: les bains), indtallation video, 36'
2003 : Les filles en orange, fic, 31'
1998 : Les Histoires d’Amour, doc, 56'
1995 : Sida & Nutrition, doc, 25'