Nuit qu'on suppose (la)
The night we suppose
Belgium, 2013, HDV, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 73 Minutes
How does the world look like for those who don’t see it anymore? What lies in this dark and endless night we all imagine? Brigitte, Danielle, Hedwige, Bertrand and Saïd, who have lost view, talk about these territories where image is different, where image redefines constantly itself, giving place to other ways of "seeing". Their accounts draw life patterns and interrogate what we share with our eyes, our ears, our hands... our senses, the world, and the others.
- Screenplay: Benjamin d'Aoust
- Photography: Virginie Surdej
- Sound: Aline Huber, Jean-François Levillain
- Image editing: Cédric Zoenen
- Mixing: Philippe Charbonnel
- Languages: FR
- Subtitles: EN
- Available formats: Digital, DVD
- Production: Hélicotronc (Anthony Rey)
- Coproduction: CBA, la RTBF, avec le soutien de FilmiK Film Recording et du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge. Avec l'aide du Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO
Festival promotion:
Hélicotronc (Anthony Rey)
Sales (interlational distribution):
Hélicotronc (Anthony Rey)
Image gallery