Los abrazos del rio
The Embrase of the River
Belgium Colombia, 2010, HDV, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 76 minutes
The Mohan, Spirit of the Magdalena River in Colombia, lives deep in the waters, smoking tobacco and swigging aguardiente, the local alcohol.
ometimes he perches on a boulder in the middle of the river, waiting for humans to arrive. He teases the fishermen, entangling their nets and frightening away the fish. A greater charmer, the Mohan lures the most beautiful women down to his golden palace, deep under the water. From there, melodic music rises to the surface. Some women come back pregnant; others never come back at all.
People have begun to notice that the Mohan no longer appears at the surface of the river. Nowadays, people do not respect him as they used to; they are more afraid of the living.
The paramilitary has struck terror into the hearts of all, even the devil. Now all the Magdalena River conceals in its depths, are corpses.
- Screenplay: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Photography: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Sound: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Image editing: Vincent Nouaille
- Sound editing: Cédric Zoenen
- Mixing: Paul Heymans
- Languages: ES
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: Beta Digital, DCP, Digital, DVD, Blu-Ray
- Production: Voa asbl
- Coproduction: CBA, MCF, Scam bourse Brouillon d’un rêve
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Festival selections:
Cinéma Utopia, Bordeaux (France) CBA 14/02/15
Médiathèque de Biarritz (France) Mois du Doc 6/11/15
Palais des Arts de Vanne (France) Mois du Doc 14/11/15
Dépt Espagnol de L'Université du Littoral de la Côte d'Opale, Boulogne-sur-Mer (France) Mois du Doc 23/11/15
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris (France) Mois du Doc 23/11/15
Cinéma les deux scènes, Kursaal (France) Mois du Doc 26/11/15
Sheffield Film Festival, compétition (UK) 10/10
IDFA, Amsterdam, compétition internationale (PB) 11/10 - annulé
Festival des 3 continents de Nantes (F) 11/10 + Prix d'Or de la Montgolfière
Festival du cinéma des peuples “ânûû-rû âboro” (Nouvelles-Calédonie) 11/10
RIDM, Montréal (Ca) 11/10
27 Festival Reflets du cinéma Ibérique et Latino-américain, Villeurbanne (F) 03/11
13 BAFICI, Buenos Aires independent Film Festival (Argentine) 04/11
Festival de Cine Documental Encuentros del Otro Cine (Equateur) 04/11
Festival Cinéma du Réel, Paris – “Nos amis cinéastes” (F) 03/11
HOT DOCS Film Festival, Toronto, compétition (Ca) 04/11
Festival du cinéma documentaire de Quito (Equateur) 04/11
3th Film Festival on Human Rights DerHumALC, Santiago del Estero (Argentina) 06/11
Cinéma Le Méliès, Pau (F) 04/11
Docville Film Festival, Leuven (B) 05/11
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (JAP) 10/11
Beeld voor Beeld Colombia 08/11
8th EBS International Documentary Festival – Spotlight on Colombia (Corée) 8/11
13thInternational Documentary Encounters (Colombie) 11/11
Exile Film Festival (Suède) 10/11
Traces de vies, Clermont Ferrand (F) 11/11 + Prix "Hors frontières"
Escales Documentaires de La Rochelle (F) 11/11
Festival latino-américain de Pau (F) 10/11
14è festival “Rencontres... à la campagne” (F) 09/11
Festival Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-américain de Pessac (F) 02/12
Zagrebdox Film Festival (Croatie) 03/12
Beel voor Beeld, Amsterdam (PB) 06/12 -
Prix "Hors frontières" - Traces de vies, Clermont Ferrand (F) 11/11
Montgolfière d’or - Festival des 3 continents à Nantes 2010
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