Noche herida
Wounded Night
Belgium Colombia, 2015, HDV, Format diffusion : 1.77 (HDV 16:9), 86 minutes
Displaced from the countryside due to violence, Blanca has recently moved to a rudimentary shelter on the Bogota border with her three grandsons. In the thick of his adolescent crisis, Didier, the elder of the three boys, is already drifting off towards an uncertain future. With the help of the ‘blessed souls’, Blanca fights to protect him from a distance, and watches over the two younger boys, John and Camilo, fearing that they too will stray.
This is the story of a grandmother fighting for the future of her family: an age-old tale in a contemporary context.
“Noche Herida / Wounded Night” is the final part of the trilogy “Campo Hablado” (The Narrated Countryside), a documentary project that seeks to draw close to the oral tradition of the peasants of the Colombian countryside and the way they deal with the violence of which they have been the main victims. It is a cinema project. This film is not about making an inventory of traditions. It is not about listening to legends or contemplating the landscape, but rather placing oneself there where words add a new layer of meaning to the landscape, where the real and the imaginary mingle.
This film was preceded by “En lo Escondido / Those Who Wait in the Darkness” (2007), Joris Ivens Award at the Cinema of the Real Festival 2007, and “Los Abrazos del Río / The Embrace of the River” (2010), Golden Balloon Award at the 3 Continents Festival.
- Screenplay: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Photography: Nicolas Rincon Gille
- Sound: Vincent Nouaille
- Image editing: Cédric Zoenen
- Sound editing: Vincent Nouaille
- Languages: ES
- Subtitles: FR, EN
- Available formats: DCP, Digital
- Production: VOA films (Manon Coubia)
- Coproduction: CBA, FWB, RTBF, SCAM (Bourse Brouillon d’un rêve), Medio de Contención (COL).
Festival promotion:
CBA - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales (interlational distribution):
Thierry Detaille - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Festival selections:
Etoile SCAM 2016
Rencontres…à la campagne, Rieupeyroux (France) 09/16
Lima Independent IFF (Perou) 06/16
Panorama du Cinéma Colombien, Paris (France) & Barcelone (Espagne) 06/16
Cinelatino, Rencontres de Toulouse (France) 03/16
Reflets du Cinéma Ibérique et latino-Américain, Villeurbanne (France) 03/16
FICCI – festival Internacional de Cine de Cartegena de Indias (Colombie) 03/16
Rencontres Cinéma de Manosque (France) 02/16
The 11+1 International Exile Film Festival, Gothenburg , Suède, 11/15
RISC–Rencontres Internationales Sciences & Cinémas, Marseille , France, 11/15
Muestra Internacional de Cine Documental DocBuenosAires , Argentine, 10/15
Marfici – Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata , Argentine, 8/15
Lakino – Latin American Film Festival Berlin , Allemagne, 10/15
International Ethno Film Festival – The Heart of Slavonia, Djakovo , Croatie, 6/15
Filmer à Tout Prix, Bruxelles , Belgique, 11/15
Festival International Jean Rouch, Paris , France, 11/15
Festival International du Film Francophone, Namur , Belgique, 10/15
Festival de Cinéma Douarnenez , France, 8/15
Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine , France, 9/15
Etats Généraux du Documentaire, Lussas , France, 8/15
Cinéma du Réel, séance Hors Les Murs, Saint-Denis , France, 3/15
Cinéma du Réel , France, 3/15 -
FICCI – festival Internacional de Cine de Cartegena de Indias (Colombie) 03/16 - Best Film Award
Festival International de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata , Argentine , 8/15 - Prix Marfici
The Heart of Slavonia, Djakovo , Croatie , 6/15 - Prix International Ethno Film Festival
Rencontres Internationales Sciences & Cinémas, Marseille , France , 11/15 - Mention Spéciale
Cinéma du Réel , France , 3/15 - Mention Spéciale du Jury
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